Monday, September 30, 2019

By the time Macbeth murders Duncan Essay

‘By the time Macbeth murders Duncan, he has already lost the battle for his soul’. Discuss this statement and examine the factors which lead to his decision to kill the king. It is the aim of this essay to evaluate and determine the validity of the above statement. I will examine the factors which lead to Macbeth’s decision to kill the king. The definition for a person’s soul is the spiritual part of them that is supposed to continue after their body is dead. People also use ‘soul’ to refer to a person’s mind, character, thoughts and feelings. ‘The battle for his soul’ represents whether this person submits to good or evil. The factors that I will look at in particular when considering what drove Macbeth to commit the murder, are the witches and Lady Macbeth. The play begins with the witches who introduce Macbeth by saying they will meet him. ‘There to meet with Macbeth’. This is an effective way to start the play, as people were very superstitious at the time. They believed in witches and they believed they were evil. One person who was very wary and curious about such matters was James I and Shakespeare had written this play for him. The gunpowder plot took place the previous year and James I was, consequently, very sensitive and concerned about future assassination attempts. Shakespeare was writing for an audience who were predominantly Christian and who believed in heaven and hell; the way some one behaved on earth would decide what happened to them when they died. The soul is very important in this play and this is why ‘Macbeth’ may have been popular as people were interested in these things. If someone lost their soul, they would be lost to God and would be condemned to hell for eternity. Macbeth talks a lot about this in his dramatic monologues. Duncan was a good honest king who had done nothing but treat Macbeth as a good friend. Duncan calls him ‘worthiest cousin’, which suggests the closeness of their relationship. Duncan is grateful for Macbeth’s bravery in battle. He says, ‘I have begun to plant thee and will labour, to make thee full of growing†. Duncan is saying he will do anything to repay him for being so brave. Duncan is a very good person, Macbeth says, â€Å"Duncan hath borne his faculties so meek hath been so clear in his great office that his virtues will plead like angel†. Macbeth knows that he was good and he still murdered him. Therefore is no excuse for what he has done. The King is Macbeth’s guest so he should protect him, not attack him. There are different reactions from Macbeth and Banquo to the witches’ predictions. Banquo believes that Macbeth will become king because he has already become Thane of Cawdor, just as the witches had predicted. He thinks that it is very strange how the witches are helping them. Furthermore, he believes the witches will be kind to them and have their trust only to betray them later. He is clearly surprised and remains sceptical as to their intentions. The different reaction by Macbeth is apparent when he is shocked at first after hearing what the witches have to say. He truly believes that he will become king as two of the predictions have proved accurate. Things can only get better for Macbeth, or so he believes. Macbeth’s opinion of the witches remains undecided and he does not really know what to think about the ‘weird sisters’. There are conflicting beliefs that he has. Firstly, he believes they are not good, but if they were bad why did they give him such success? It seems that he is beginning to trust the witches when he considers the success that they have given to him. Banquo, on the other hand, instantly distrusts them and believes ‘†¦to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths’. As soon as Lady Macbeth receives Macbeth’s letter about the witch’s predictions she begins to plan the murder: ‘Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me from the crow to the toe top full of direst cruelty.’ She wants to be filled with cruelty and wants evil spirits to posses her. She wants to lose her femininity and become manly so she is capable of the greatest cruelty. She hopes to lose her soul so she does not feel guilty. The factors that lead Macbeth to kill the king are the witches, Lady Macbeth and his own personality. The witches led Macbeth to the murder when they greeted him and said ‘All hail Macbeth, that shall be king hereafter.’ In the time of the play it was believed that witches could take demonic possession of people and make them do what they wanted. Macbeth sees a dagger just before the murder of Duncan. Some people may say that it is the witches that put the image in front of him to drive him into murdering. However, Act 1, scene 1 suggests that there are limits to the witch’s powers; they cannot kill. They talk about a lady who did not give them nuts so they want to get her back, and also her husband who is on a boat. ‘I’ll give thee wind.’ ‘I’ll drain him as dry as hay. They say many things that they will do to him but they do not mention killing him and this proves that death is not in their power. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have a good relationship, they seem to get on extremely well together and when they are apart they miss each other. Later in the play Lady Macbeth begins to take control and becomes rather dominant. She can persuade him to do anything. Macbeth decided that he did not want to go through with the murder but Lady Macbeth talked him into it by calling him a coward and using harsh words. ‘And live a coward in thine own self esteem’. She says this after Macbeth refuses to proceed any further with the murder. She is taunting and humiliating him. When Macbeth talks himself out of committing the murder, ‘We will proceed no further in this business,’ Lady Macbeth makes him change his mind by calling him a ‘coward’. She tells him, ‘When you durst do it, then you were a man’. The implication being that he is no longer acting like a man. She tells him that if he breaks this promise, he will break all other promises including those made to her, ‘Such I account thy love’. Nevertheless, she claims that she would rather dash out the brains of a baby then break such a promise. Shakespeare utilises extremely strong imagery to emphasise just how important it is for her. In Macbeth’s dramatic monologue he gives many reasons as to why he does not want to go through with the murder. Many thoughts are running through his head such as the fear of Duncan returning as something bad in his next life. Additionally, he believes something bad will happen if he goes through with it. ‘To plague th’ inventor. This even handed Justice’ He is going against the deed of killing the king. ‘Strong both against the deed: then, as his host’. He is a kinsman, therefore he can not kill somebody on the same side as him and this suggests that it is not like him at all and he does not want to take his life. When Lady Macbeth enters he does not tell her these reasons but gives different ones altogether. He says the king has been honouring him recently and people have high opinions of him. Consequently, he wants to remain popular with people. Macbeth must kill Duncan so that he can be king and take his place. The witches told him that he would be king, but not necessarily by murdering him. Initially the murder has been devised entirely by Macbeth and not recommended by anyone else. As Macbeth states, ‘If chance will have me king, why chance me crown me, without stir’. He is saying that if he becomes king that is good but he will not do anything to make himself king. As he admits, his only motive for the killing is ‘Vaulting ambition’. I will now consider the nature of Macbeth’s sin. The crime that has been committed is truly evil, but I do not believe that Macbeth is necessarily evil. The fact that Macbeth believes that he will never be forgiven indicates he is genuinely remorseful. The only reason Duncan was murdered was for Macbeth’s personal gain. Macbeth had no real reason to kill him, as the king was a dear friend. There are many reasons that suggest that Macbeth should never be forgiven for this. The murder was in cold blood and it had been planned and not committed in the heat of the moment. Macbeth did not want to go through with it but Lady Macbeth induced him to do so. This is why I believe Macbeth is not evil because he was driven to it. After the murder the grooms were smeared with blood to make it seem as if they had committed the murder. In the morning Macbeth murders them too pretending that he has acted out of ‘violent love’ for Duncan. He does this to get himself out of trouble and to avoid suspicion. Therefore, the grooms cannot deny committing the murder. Macbeth has killed the king. At the time, there was a belief that kings were put onto the throne through God’s power (divine right) and so an attack on the king’s power was seen as acting against God’s wishes. This is the reason for him to go to hell as God has disowned him. Macbeth says, â€Å"He’s here in double trust: first, as I am his kinsman and his subject, strong both against the deed; then as his host, who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself.† Macbeth knows that what he has done is wrong as he should be looking after his guest. After the murder, Macbeth is unable to say the word ‘Amen’, â€Å"But wherefore could not I pronounce ‘Amen’ I had most need of blessing and ‘Amen'†. He feels that God has deserted him as ‘Amen’ means ‘god with us’. He is trying to keep his Christian faith but he believes he is losing his soul and that he will be doomed to eternal damnation. Macbeth feels that he cannot sleep because only the good sleep. After the murder has been committed Lady Macbeth is calm and does not feel any guilt at all. The fact that she is not sorry suggests that she is evil. ‘Wash this filthy witness from your hand†¦smear the sleepy grooms with blood’. She gives him orders as she does not want to get caught and she wants somebody else to get the blame. If I were in the audience, I would be thinking that Macbeth is now behaving unlike himself. He is acting guilty about the murder and he wishes that he never committed the crime. This is dramatic because it shows that he must really want to be king if he kills even though he does not want to and this shows how desperate he really must be. Christians believe that if someone is truly sorry for a sin they have committed and repent, they can be forgiven and, in that case, their soul would not be forfeit. After the murder I strongly believe that Macbeth is extremely sorry for what he has done. ‘I had most need of blessing’. This means that he still wants God’s blessing even after his terrible sin. ‘I am afraid to think what I done’, which suggests that it is so unlike him to do this that he is scared to look back, he does not want to believe what he has done. â€Å"To know my deed ’twere best not know myself† he would rather not know himself after what he has done as he is so ashamed. ‘Wake Duncan with thy knocking, I would thou couldst’ He wishes that Duncan could be wakened with knocking which means he regrets the murder. I do not believe that Macbeth has lost his soul as he feels sorry for what he has done and feels very guilty he also has many regrets. As Macbeth is so worried about the murder he has committed one would not think that he would kill anymore, but he does. He arranges the murder of Banquo, his best friend, and tries to have his son Fleance killed. This is because Banquo suspects that Macbeth has killed Duncan as he heard the witches’ predictions. He has Fleance murdered because the witches said Banquo’s descendants would be king. Macbeth seeks out the three witches to predict the future, even though he knows that they are evil. ‘To the weird sisters. More shall they speak. For no I am bent to know by the worst means, the worst’. He also wants to know what else must be done for him to be king. The audience may have thought that he is turning evil and is just looking for trouble and they will probably be worried about what will happen next. He arranges the murder of Lady Macduff and her children because she has fled to England to join the other side to be against Macbeth. He wants to hurt her for turning against him. Now Macbeth is beginning to lose his soul as he keeps on killing and he does not feel guilty anymore. He finds that he must keep on doing more and more wrong in order to stay in his position. ‘I am in blood stepped so far that I should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o’er.’ He has gone far enough and there is no point stopping as he has done a lot to get where he is. It will be far easier for him to carry on then to stop. It is possible that the witches have sensed a potential for evil in Macbeth and that is why they have chosen to use him. It is Macbeth who has ‘horrible imagings’. He fought in battles so he killed a lot of people there. We learn many contradictory things about Macbeth. He is a very strong man as he fights in the king’s battles and wins. He is described as ‘Brave Macbeth’ and ‘Noble Macbeth’ by the captain, this is because he is very loyal, brave and honourable. However, Lady Macbeth says he is ‘too full o’th’ milk of human kindness’ and implies that he has a good heart. Macbeth has been violent in battle. ‘†¦He unseamed him from the nave to th’ chops and fixed his head upon our battlements’. He had fought a lot in battle and killed a lot of people but after the murder he can not handle all the guilt. His personality has changed. He admirers Lady Macbeth when she is at her most evil, saying she is ‘undaunted mettle’. This is because she does not give up and pursues with her target. Macbeth is frequently associated with dark and night, asking for darkness to cover his feeling. ‘Stars, hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires’. Goodness is represented by light and evil is represented by dark. For example, Macbeth using the cover of darkness to hide his crimes, ‘Come, seeling night, scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day’. He is ashamed of what he is thinking. Macduff says of him ‘Not in the legions of horrid hell can come a devil more damned in evil to top Macbeth’. He thinks Macbeth is filled with evil. The name of his follower, Seyton is perhaps a pun of Satan. I do not believe that Macbeth is evil. The witches made him think a lot and this led him to do things he would never normally do. It was the witches who gave him the idea of being king and this is where things started to become bad. Macbeth goes to visit the witches again after the murder who tell him that no person can kill him that is born from women. He now thinks he is invincible. In my opinion, it is here that he loses his soul given that he carries on killing without feeling any guilt. It seems that Macbeth was not only an instrument of evil, but also the victim.

Upstream Teacher’s Book

:, . : l, I r. trrtr. r, tli ‘ i l 1 , :l t .:'1, i rl i l r i i l i l l i r i l . I -,) i i † i, i r i l i l. -L:VEil-iil'i-llUp,c'iireatrn Bl1+r:i Frnlotllii,sliar:-. el;olrdernl-ie-‘rlell t-tl,vel ectr::l'se1iol'letalrnerr: o,,i iiiileLEil(. ltir-sh l;†-. rllt,uu,U,:r â€Å"Bi†lieveri†Ã¢â‚¬ u'he a;iieii:l: seii'le-:s;,cpnnhnne. isE:rrt]jE,slr acii[†rriearl'lrilr'lg iavarit:tli o'f lffivef5l vyiiih p,'i:! ren'ted linernilced] uo6r,. ies lLnr unlits, [‘ir+v[jealiuil'er: † † n o o o o . , . ‘ rrar';et†y aultllerriiic li. hemc-lcels*el fl'*rrt a ‘†qrlde ul'li'cs, c'rl in {‘lve sol-,:r†ces, m*nluie:; ‘,lr:pies fi r,rariei: r:r†*ss.Anyway, we still had a great eveningand came away with the best impression. If you everget the chance to seeAlsou in concert, you should definitely go. Have you heard her new album? Wite soon and tell me what you think of it. Love, Alex (Para 3) what you liked and why tl l Introduction (Para 1) {ireetings. ‘t easons. fbr wuiliwg (Pan 2) singer/band you went to see (Pan 4) what you didn't like and why (Para 5) Conclusion recommendation b. Read letteragain. the WhatdidAlexlike/dislike aboutthe concert? Whatreasons/examples aregiven to support each viewpoint? (See Suggested Answers Section) 50 Replace underlined the adjectives adverbs the letterwith the following. and in oentertainingfabulous modern . . . wildly . complex heavenly upset. latest . . (See Suggested Answers Section) (1-4) Read extracts the belowthat review various events. in the missing Fill topic (A-D), sentences thensuggest othersuitable ones yourown. of (See Suggested Answers Section) -re opening nightof the Moscow State Circus in 3lasgow a huge was success. -he FarnboroughShow a bighitagain Air this was r'-cdf. 5 TherevieWpremiere that it was one of said the bestproductions the year. f 6 lt was sucha predictable/[email  protected] that shewasgivena standin g ovation 7 TomHanks received oraise hisrole/actor for in Forrest Gump. 8 The routinesand the positioning the of dancers stage are the responsibility a on of pher conductor/choreoq ra wassoimpressed the performance with I wentto cn Friday. have never to anything boring allmylife! in been so 6 Match items(1-5)to the nouns(a-e). famous frlm/television / live/studio/solo big/small/silver children's/fantasy / best-selling a b c d screen performance novel film ,it :roreographedIn my opinion, is definitely horror silent feature / / . lEId-l . ,,',t :ut – there was nevera dull moment. The :'ogramme was well-arranged and well_ i ro m ffi m . i e actor l I + 4 -he new exhibition had nothingto capturemy ‘nagination. I stronglydisagree with the critic ‘highly ,vho wrote, I originaland entertaining' . nink complete the opposite true! is lm[uaffi r#w$eMf$ -iie ringmaster an excellent had of sense humour :rd the crowd enjoyedthe spectacular show. In â€Å"ry opinion, the highl ight the whole evening of ,,,'as when the monkeys escaped the crowd! into n Backg round information ‘1989 Theexhibition/theatre openedin Thedance company/band formedin 2001 . earand takes The Air Show runseverysecond p l a c en . . i Descriptions Thesoundsystem was excellent. Thevenue hadgreatfacilities. The lyrics were greaVpredictable. Thelighting wassuperb/dreadful. Thecastwassuperb/amazing/very talented. General comments/opinion Don'tmiss itl It'swell worth seeing/going to. You really mustsee/go/listen it. to D r , W e . * ‘ e r , r i † ‘ : ‘ ‘ $ Underline correct the word. 1 Shakespearesometimes used plots/ programmes ancient plays from Greek Even though I don't usuallygo to see blockbusters/multiplex, I reallylovedMission lmpossible. Tolright, ballerinaSylvie Guillem will be appearing/peform! y the role of Clara in The Nutcracker. The success a playcomesdown to a good of script/lyric and a good director. Yourturn 7 ‘gn Using language t he above, writea letterto a you friendreviewing something attended (e. 9. recently art exhibition/the opening a of (100-120 newvenue a concert) or words). Use the ideas belowaswellasyourown. (See Suggested Answers Section) . name/time/olace of evento cost o whatyouliked it about . whatyoudidn't about like it . final thouohts recommendation and 51 All in a day's work Vocabulary Practice Jobs people for a living? Whatdo these do Lookat pictures underline correct the and the worc. dentify jobs from the descriptions what the of the peopledo. ptlar 1 Thisperson flies aerop,anes. yourcarto thisperson be repaired 2 Youtake to mechanic 3 This person takes care of sick animals veterinarian Thisperson works in an officetyping letters answering phone the andarranging meetings secretary This personwill help you investmoney i† companies. stockbroker Thisperson controls movements aircraft the of airtrafficcontroller This persondesigns pagesfor the Internet. web-designer 8 Youpaymoney thispe rson a shopor bank to in teller 9 Thispersonhelpschildren and families whc haveproblems. ocial worker 10 Thisperson giveyou the keyto your hote will room. deskclerk/receptionist Complete the exchanges with verbsfrom the list. o promote . apply o dismiss retire . resign o 1 A: So,areyou goingto apply the job? for B: No. I don'tthinkl'm suitably qualified it. for 1 doctor/ scientist 3 librarianteacher / 4 carpenterplumber / 2 A: lan is goingto resign. B: Really? Why? job. A: He'sfounda better-paid 3 A: lf this projectis successful, manager my will promote me. B : G o o dl u c k ! 4 A: l've stillgot sixyears aheadof me beforeI retrre. B : H a n g nt h e r e l i 5 A: I've heardthat the company will dismiss peoplenext month. everal B: Oh, no. Any ideawho? 4 Fill thecorrect in response thelist. from o . o . Somehodv thesack. nnt Let's it a day. call going, The wayshe's She's workinq been around clock. the 1 A: I can'tworkanymoretonight; very I'm tired. B: Soam l. Let's it a day. call 2 A: lt'smidnight and Ritaisstillat the office. rired. nals . TATq 7 Cross oddoneout asin the example. the 1 2 3 4 5 6 salary, wages,}kWpay gain, earn, win,ftd profession @*Frâ‚ ¬rc, job, career, under-paid, poorly @+-Fd-d, paid, overuyorked boring, repetitive Eeatr4[uninteresting, business, uDise*qf! , industry, companyB: What's going on? She'sbeen working around clock. the 3 A: Didyou hear what happened morning? this B: Letme guess. got Somebody the sack. 4 A: Didyou seewhat Katedid thismorning? B: Yes,I did. Theway she is goingshe'llget fired. Ings. )y In :raft. rnet. )ank. who lotel 5 Complete text with phrases the fromthe list. Youmayhave change formof the verbs. to the . workovertime beherownboss workfor . . . a successful . career workfromhome . beemployed setup . self-employed . Phrasalverbs 8 Fillin: go, corry, put,fall,look. 1 A: Can you please put me throughto Mrs Lucas? please.B: Justa minute, 2 A: I can't remember what time my meetingis IOmOrrow. B: Why don'tyou lookthro ugh yournotes? 3 A: Mike,if you carry this project throught'll promote you to headof the department. B: l'll do my best, sir. 4 A: Why are you so upset? Thingscan't be that bad at work. B: You say that becauseyou don't know what I haveto go throughevery day. 5 A: He'safraidthat his olansto start his own business fallthrough. will B: lt'snatural himto feelthiswav. for he n ) rr it. Sheila has 1)a successful career with a large ocsmetics company where she 2) has been miinloyedas a senior marketingmanagerfor the threeyears. es,t Although she is quitesatisfied with iltner she sometimes feels that her work is not 1ob, mtroreciated, especiallywhen she has to 3) work ur*'srtirne. is now thinkingof 4) setting up her She mmnr business that she can 5) be her own boss. so Sl'reilila thinksthat she would be happier6) working vt:ri'rhome,even though she accepts that people lt[ldr-rto 7) self-employed are less secure than are tltqrse who 8) work for a largecompany. 6 Choose bestwordto complete jo b the the adverts. ‘il[@ havea 1) vacancv/space a young, for dynamic lager nnd hard-working studenVgraduate lead our 2) to pawing sales forcein the London you area. eader As ,ffi,ril responsible 3) team/group he for development and 4,|educationtraining and you will 5) reply/repo[ ffrrectly thecompany to Sales Director. Do youwilling work6) changes/shifts? youenjoy to lFe 7) happiness/satisfaction challenging of solving problems/questions Sl without9)control/Supervi5ion] are you 10) oractical/handy? you have a Do ‘yes' 11) licence? youcananswer to lf deanltiOy driver's questions, we would to hear fromyou. tr:ese like then Nord Formation 9 Complete sentences thecorrect the with word derived thewords bold. from in 1 Thepolitician gavea verydistorted version of even$.DISTORT 2 He admittedthat the government had made someveryregrettable mistakes. REGRET 3 The prime minister promisedto be more to responsive complaints the future. in RESPOND She thanked her husbandfor his cari ng supportat a verydifficult time. CARE The ministerresignedbecausehis position was no longer defendable DEFEND rtt{,ttfh 300storesnotionwideBookWorldis now over fnrnly estoblished the No,l bookshop the UK, os in lf idou ore 12)sfimuloled/molivoled, commified, trS) ombitious/rulhless enjoysucceeding on ond in exciting fost-poced work 14)locotion/environmenl, we wont youl No previous15) skill/expeliengE rcquired,WE WANT YOU 53 Grammar Use in Conditionals Replace with r,vhen if where possible. 1 .. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. lf thisdoesn't work. he'llbe in trouble. 2 when lf he is in a bad mood. it is betterto stayaway 3 .. . †¦.. lf you don't havetime today, you can finishthe reporttomorrow. 4 when lf l'm tired. I can'tconcentrate all. at 5 when lf Jason for asks a raise, he'llget it for sure A: What'swrong? B: l'm runninglate. lf I don't get (noVget) thereon time, the meetingwill start (start) withoutme. A: Why aretheseflowers Jane's on desk? B: lt's her birthday. (remember), A: Oh no. lf I remembered (buy) her a present, I would havebought too.A: Thisis a beautiful neighbourhood. (find)a flat for rent here, B: I agree. I find lf I will move(move)in right away. A: Why is Peterso stressed out? B: He has a meeting with the marketing manager. Wheneverthey meet (meet), theyend (end)up having argument. an 7 A: Unless Liamshows(show)up in the next fiveminutes, Johnson firing(fire)him. Mr is B: Oh, no. ls he lateagain? 8 A : Youhaven't saida word all morning. B : l'm verybusywith this report. You know,I would finish(finish)it fasterif you hel (help)me. A: No oroblem. 2 Match the phrases to phrases to make 1-8 a-h full sentences. m m m m m H Etr lf Johnhadgot up ten minuteslater, asses French Unless Yvonne her exams, job, lf Paul found a better-paid lf Mr Black calls, Unless Katefinishes letters 5 pm, the by lf you seeFrank, lf Bobhadn'tbeenso nervous, lf Jane's colleagues were morefriendly, Etr a she'llhaveto do someovertime b he would havedonebetterat the interview. c han s out tosether outside the };:†-r,O d he would resign the spot. on e he would havemissed bus. the f askhim aboutanyvacancies the company. in I shewon't get into university. h tell him I'm out for lunch. Wishes 4 Read what the mansays make and sentences asin the example. 1 | don't havetime to meetJacktoday.I wishllfonlyI had timeta meet JGCktad6y. 2 | can'ttake anydaysoff work thisweek. I wish/lfonly I could take some days off thisweek. 3 | lostmy passport. I wish/lf onlyI hadn'tlostmy passport. I didn't followyouradvice. I wish/lf onlv I had followed your advice. l'm very stressed out. I don't know how to relax I wish/lfonly I knew how to relax. am so stressed I out. I didn't know Marywasin town. I wish/lfonlyI had knownthat Marywas in town. 3 Puttheverbs brackets the correct in into tense to complete exchanges. the 1 A : Do youthinkI should apply thisjob? for (be) you, I would apply (apply) B : lf I were right away. A : Congratulations your promotion. on you! lf I get (get) t he job, I won't B : Thank (leave) company. leave the 54 7 | don't haveanyfriends. I wish/lfonly I hadsomefriends 8 | ate too much. I feelsick. I wish/lf onlyI hadn'teatentoo much. 4 She is going to write a coverletter. Shecan sendit with her CV. (to) She is going to write a coverletter to send with her CV. job. Shewants Shewantsto find a morning to. have moretimeto spend with herchildren. (in order to) job in orderto Shewantsto find a morning spend moretime with herchildren. Shehasboughta new suit. Shewantsto make a good impression interviews. s to) (so at Sheboughta new suitso as to makea good impression interviews. at Readthe letter and completethe exchanges using verbs their the in correct tense. N, I )ed )eor Steve, i'm sorrgobouttheotherdag. I wishl 1) hadbeen fre) here seegou. f ontggou2) totd(telDme to :tot UouwerecomLng earlier, 3) woutdhave | :langed (change) schedutel mg Thereason whg I wasn'thereis becouse decided I :i go to a conJerence. lt washeldin the most ;:nozingplo celI wishyou4 hadseen (see)it! | ion't meon thot it wasexcetlent because inJoctit was oppositel the Nothing seemed workproperLg to ;nd thespeokers wereterribLe. ishI 5) never I teord (heor)oJthe event. lt wosa comptete wasteof rnteondmoneg. Angwag,6) witttelt(tetD | gouotl sboutit the nexttlmeI7) see(see) gou. Which reminds when gouthinkgouwittbe me, do L,n town agoLn? l 8) were(be) you,l 9) wouldwrlte IJ (write)a date[n gourdiary now. If gou10) sent kend) methe inJormotion email. , I promise bg then I (bd here, not running to sittg 1l) woutdbe ond olf conJerences! A[tthe best, -nrls Sentence transformations 7 Complete second the sentence that it so means same the first. Useno morethan the as threewords. Celiais upsetbecause didn't get the job she at the advertising agency.Celia wishesshe had got the job at the advertising agency. She is savingmoney because she wants to attenda seminar. Sheissaving moneyso asto attenda seminar. lf she doesn't attendthis seminatshewon't be considered the job. for She won't be considered the job if she for doesnot attendthis seminar. Shecan't moveout because can't afford she to payrent. lf she could afford to pay rent, she would moveout. She didn't take her brother'sadviceso she didn'tfinda job in London. lf she had taken her brother'sadvice,she would have found a iob in London. Clauses purpose of 5Join pairs sentences thewords the of using in brackets, in theexample. as 1 Faye wantsto find anotherjob. Shewantsto (in havea biggersalary. order to) Fayewantsra find anather in arderta hsvea jab bigger sulary. Shearranged seeher manager. wanted to She to askfor a pay increase. (with a view to) Shearranged seeher manager to with a view to asking a payincrease. for Sheis updating CV. Shecan useit to apply her for a new job. (so that) Sheis updating CV so that shecan useit her to applyfor a new job Reading (1-4) all looking newjobs. Read a. Thepeople are for theirdescriptions underline keywords. nd the Michael has had severalwell paid jobs. Now, he wouldliketo use his psychology degreein a job that he people's can improve lives. Geoff has always liked making things to entertainhis children. Sincelosinghis job as a. teacher he has been lookingfor a way to turn his hobbyinto a career. Susan first noticedher flair for writingwhen she won a creative writing competition at school. However, career a poetis not her as going verywellandshe must a find newjobto paythe bills. Brookeis currently workingin an publishing office for a company, but she dreamsof a lessordinary life.She wants to explore new places and help protect the environment. (A-F) b. Read job advertisements anddecide the whichjob wouldbe the mostsuitable each person. for There two you don'tneed. are ^ – -: † @ rTour Guide – ExploreAlaskaLtd A lifeof adventure you awaits inAlaska. Explore Alaska is Ltd looking guides leadsmallgroups tourists for to of through the Alaskan wilderness to oromote and conservation the in area. No previous expe rience requiredas on-the-job is training be provided. will Applyin writing William to Seward, Explore AlaskaLtd, 3 Primrose Ketchikan, St, Alaska, AK 99950-3365.CardsWriter – Comic CardsLtd Can you say it with style? Comic Cards Ltd wants writers with wild and witty imaginations. Salaries are good for those who can come up with catchy lines and lots of laughs. Email John Keats at www. comiccards. co. uk. j G—Cu. egiver – Spring Lake Retreat Do you have the qualitiesto help people with mental illness lead rich and rewarding lives? Spring Lake Retreathas an excellent success rate in dealingwith mental illnessand we are lookingfor caregivers who can approachthose in need with respect. For further information Florence 01484627 895. call on ookingfor a trainedanimalpsychologist work with our to collectionof wild and exotic animals. ldeal candidates should have a degree in veterinary medicine and a backgroundin psychology. Applicationforms are available from HumanReso urces Dept,Dunstable Zoo, Bedfordshire, Toy Designer- Lullaby Toys Plc Film Extra – Talent Inc Wantto be in the movies? TalentInc is lookingfor peopleto takepafi in a Hollywood that is beingshot herein London. film The work requiresa great deal of waiting around. Although therecan be no guarantee you will appearin the finalfilm, that you may see yourself ne)d to a major star.For more information, callSandy on01292364 807. Want to bring a littlemagic into young lives? Lullaby Toys Plc is lookingfor an imaginative designer toy to expand our range of educationaltoys for children under7 yearsof age. The idealcandidateshouldhave experience toy designand a passion education. in for Tel. Jov Fischer 02646738 991. on (See Suggested Answers Section) ^l 4l E th to )y to )n /e n. Writing (a letter of appliration) Getting started 1 Read rubric underline key the and the words. Then,answerthe questions that follow. You have come acrossthe following job ad ;; g in the localnewspaper and you want to rpply for the job.Write your letter of ff † application. ‘*†Ã¢â‚¬ - â€Å"†Ã¢â‚¬ - –‘ ii'l . b candrivea car @ takena coursein photography ,,. ,s1, @ good organiser e speak English German and f workedasa photographer for the school newspaper workedasa shopassistant *r,i:l;lZi2i and @ energetic sociable Let's look closer 2 Read application letters & B andwritethe A paragraph number nextto the headings the in listbelow. . . . o . opentng remarks/reason(s)for 41 writing closing remarks 45 age/qualifications/experienceA2 otherinformation A4 personal qualities ffi B1 85 82 84 83 fi il I Do you wantto get out and seethe world? ou Are interested photography? in lf yes,thenyou couldworkon a cruise ship! Weare looking a photographer for who'salways around to takememorable photos ourpassengers wellas of as developand sell the pictures. equipmentis All provided thecruise by line. lf interested, contact Elliot 089g-7g6756 via Mr on or , email at _. andwe willarrange a job interview. Portfolio necessary. DearManager, E What kind of letter do you haveto write? a letterof application 2 Who is goingto readyour letter? Mr Elliot 3 Should stylebe formalor informal? the formal 4 Tick( /) in the list of pointsbelowwhat yor. shouldinclude your letter: in . . . . . . yourfavourite subjects school at yourqualifications anyprevious experience a description yourappearance of your personal qualities yourplans the summer for What do you think the successful candidate should like? be a artistic @ friendly c canng In: a modelling @ adventurous @ sociable f sporty 6 Forthis job someone would needexperience to the W Hil l'vedecided dropyoua lineabout job you advertised thisweek's in online edition Ny of Magazine Teens. for student l,mquite and gooo at fu t ana 2O-year-old takingpictures.Two yearsago I took a one-yearcoursein photography and l,ve workeo as a photographer ourcollege for newspaper. worked l,ve part-time a shop as assistant a pho tostudio, I at too. wantto study photographyUEL some l,m at and day sure l'll work as a professional photographer for National Geographic. English German My and aren't badeither. p t haven't worked professionally before l,m but surel'd be goodat the job. I am veryfriendly and outgoing. I love travelling and seeingdifferent places. I canprovide reference in which Also, a letter previous my employer I'ma goodphotograpner says andthat youcancounton me.I canshowyoumy workanytimeyouwant. p* | won't be doinganything JulyandAugust. in We have holidays so I canworkwhenever our then youwant. p- Voucanget in touchwith meon 0g657345 or at [email  protected] com.. Let soon meknow ! Allthe best, /ro**a Laura Hirsch c workingwith youngchildren 7 What qualifications would someone need in orderto be considered this iob? for @ tatingpictures iear Mr Elliot, p I am writing to apply for the position of ;)r3tographer which was advertised this week's in :r ineed't'onof NY Magazine Teens. for p t am a 2O-year-old student. Two yearsago I iir3l

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Animal Sexual Behavior

Talking about human sexuality last year, I was asked whether the different sexual orientations could be found in animals other than humans. Well, the answer was â€Å"yes†. But sexual orientation is just a bit of the big whole called sexual behavior. That is why in this occasion I am going to talk about animal sexual behavior. To put you in context, the study of animal sexuality is a rapidly developing field. It used to be believed that only humans and a handful of other species performed sexual acts other than for procreation, and that animals' sexuality was instinctive.Current understanding is that a wide range of species appear both to masturbate and to use objects as tools to help them do so; in many species animals try to give and get sexual stimulation with others where procreation is not the aim; and homosexual behavior has now been observed among 1,500 species. SEX FOR PLEASURE Do animals get pleasure from sex? Science cannot say for sure what animals do or do not find â€Å"pleasurable†. However, current understanding suggests that anything an animal does that furthers its own survival is pleasurable; in order to make sure  the animal  keeps doing it. That includes sexual intercourse.They say it is  nature's way  of ensuring the continuation of the species. Remember that the only purpose of the clitoris is to give pleasure, and nearly all female mammals have a clitoris. Nevertheless, very few animals have sex purely for pleasure, rather than for procreation. That is to say that, though most of animals do get pleasure from sex, not all of them will have sex just for the sake of it. TYPES OF ACTIVITIES 1. AUTOESTIMULATION OR MASTURBATION Petter Bockman of the Natural History Museum at the University of Oslo commented that: â€Å"Masturbation is common in the animal kingdom†¦There are plenty of animals who will masturbate when they have nothing better to do. Masturbation has been observed among primates, deer, killer whales and penguins, and we're talking about both males and females. They rub themselves against stones and roots. Orangutans are especially inventive. They make dildos of wood and bark. † 2. ORAL SEX Auto-fellating or licking, sucking and/or nuzzling by a male of his own penis in animals is documented in goats, primates, hyenas, bats and sheep, among others. 3.CROSS SPECIES SEX Many animals are sexual opportunists, partaking in sexual relations with individuals of visibly distinct species. This is more visible in domesticated species and animals in captivity, because in the wild, the two species would normally not share enough common territory to provide adequate opportunity for much cross-species sexual activity. Hybrid offspring can result from two organisms of distinct but closely related parent species, although the resulting offspring is not always fertile.This is the case of the mule (jack/mare cross), the hinny (horse/jenny cross), the tiglon (tiger/lioness cross) and the liger (lion/tigress cross). 4. PROSTITUTION In some penguin species, the females, even when in a committed relationship, will exchange sexual favors with strange males for the pebbles they need to build their nests. Prostitution was also observed among chimpanzees, which trade food for sex. 5. SEXUAL IMAGINARY VIEWING Problems with encouraging pandas to mate in captivity have been very common.However, showing young male pandas â€Å"panda pornography† is widely credited with a recent population boom among pandas in zoos. It shows that pandas, as well as most of primates, really value the images and are able to put sexual meaning on them. 6. NECROPHILIA Necrophilia in animals is where a living animal engages in a sexual act with a dead animal. It has been reported in cane toads and ducks. 7. HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR No species has been found in which homosexual behavior has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all.Homosexual behavior in animals re fers to the documented evidence of homosexual and bisexual behavior in animals other than humans. Birds: Black swans: An estimated one-quarter of all black swans pairings are homosexual and they steal nests, or form temporary threesomes with females to obtain eggs, driving away the female after she lays the eggs. More of their cygnets survive to adulthood than those of different-sex pairs, possibly due to their superior ability to defend large portions of land. The same reasoning has been applied to male flamingo pairs raising chicks.Gulls: 10 to 15 percent of female western gulls in some populations in the wild exhibit homosexual behavior. Mallards: form male-female pairs only until the female lays eggs, at which time the male leaves the female. Mallards have rates of male-male sexual activity that are unusually high for birds, in some cases, as high as 19% of all pairs in a population. Penguins: Male penguin couples have been documented to mate for life, build nests together, and to use a stone as a surrogate egg in nesting and brooding. Vultures, ibises and pigeons. MammalsAmazon Dolphin: The Amazon River dolphin or boto has been reported to form up in bands of 3–5 individuals enjoying group sex. The groups usually comprise young males and sometimes one or two females. Sex is often performed in non-reproductive ways, using snout, flippers and genital rubbing, without regards to gender. In captivity, they have been observed to sometimes perform homosexual and heterosexual penetration of the blowhole, a hole homologous with the nostril of other mammals, making this the only known example of nasal sex in the animal kingdom.American Bison: Courtship, mounting, and full anal penetration between bulls has been noted to occur among American Bison. Also, mounting of one female by another is common among cattle. Bonobo: The Bonobo, which has a matriarchal society, unusual amongst apes, is a fully bisexual species—both males and females engage in hetero sexual and homosexual behavior, being noted for female-female homosexuality in particular. About 60% of all sexual activity in this species is between two or more females. Bonobos use sex to divert attention and to defuse tension.Elephants: African and Asian males will engage in same-sex bonding and mounting. Such encounters are often associated with affectionate interactions, such as kissing, trunk intertwining, and placing trunks in each other's mouths. Unlike heterosexual relations, which are always of a fleeting nature, the relationships between males may last for years. Asiatic elephants in captivity devote roughly 45% of sexual encounters to same-sex activity Giraffes: Mounting between male giraffes males have been found to be more frequent than heterosexual coupling: up to 94% of mounting incidents take place between two males.Japanese macaque: With the Japanese macaque same-sex relations are frequent, though rates vary between troops. Females will form â€Å"consortshipsâ⠂¬  characterized by affectionate social and sexual activities. Sheep: homosexuality in male sheep (found in 8% of rams) is associated with a region in the rams' brains which is half the size of the corresponding region in heterosexual male sheep. Spotted hyenas, bottlenose dolphins, whales, deer, polecats and lions. Others: Dragonflies: Male homosexuality has been inferred in several species of dragonflies.About 80 % of sexual coupling occurs between males. Sources: Bagemihl, B. 1999. Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity. St. Martin's Press. 752 pp. de Waal, F. M. B. & R. Ren (1988): Peacemaking among Primates. Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Massachusetts). Roughgarden, J. 2004. Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and People. University of California Press. Berkeley CA. 474 pp Sommer, V ;amp; P. L Vasey (2006): Homosexual Behaviour in Animals, An Evolutionary Perspective. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Case studies Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Studies - Case Study Example Thus because the public college professors and staff members dismissed from an office held under tenure have a property interest in their jobs, the property interest is safeguarded by due process. Thus, the Court made it clear that due process is required when depriving an individual of his property right, including a public employee's earned tenure. Additionally, the court has also made it clear that the property interest must be a present one and not one perceived or one that a person might have in the future. Here, the court is not saying that Roth was not injured. Indeed the question is not actually answered because the court's examination ends once they conclude that that Roth's position is not one that is a vested property right and therefore not subject to constitution protection. As the court noted: "In these circumstances, the respondent surely had an abstract concern in being rehired, but he did not have a property interest sufficient to require the University authorities to give him a hearing when they declined to renew his contract of employment." Accordingly, the Court does not have jurisdiction to decide what if an injury was suffered by Roth, because his constitutional rights have not been affected. Once the federal court concludes that there is no jurisdiction, that is the end of the inquiry. As to" implications of non-renewal for a faculty member's career path" I think that the implications are rather clear. If one in applying for a position at a public school or university , they are best advised to learn first what the tenured track is, and further to understand that without tenure, there is not a property right thus no protectionsat least on a constitutional level. Question 2 - What institutional practices or policies may create a constitutionally -protected property interest in one's job May faculty members in private institutions have such a property interest in their jobs Board of Regents v Roth demonstrates the Federal Courts' definition of property for constitutional purposes and due process protection examination. Against that backdrop, I would say that a public facility such as a state hospital, public school or library that has the offering of a position which can be substantially likened to the tenure track of a public university is one that could create a constitutionally protected property right. A crucial point to remember though is that the Court concluded that Roth had no "liberty" interest in any specific teaching job, and that he had no "property" interest in his job because he lacked "a legitimate claim of entitlement" under state law to his job. Property interests, the Court stress, must be found in the statutory or common law of the jurisdiction. Thus if there is no statutory or common law authority regarding the position, there is no constitutional protection to be afforded. Without a legitimate claim of entitlement to his job, the C ourt reasoned, there is nothing to have a hearing about. Faculty members in the private sector do not have any constitutional protections in a privately held university. The United States Constitution does not apply to every form of employment in the United States. The first issue with any federal claim is that it had to have been committed by a state actor and under color of state

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Sahara Desert Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Sahara Desert - Essay Example Most of such arid regions are because of the pattern of the Earth’s air circulation as well as the topography of the land. Sahara name its derivation emanates from an Arabic term Sahra meaning wilderness and the Arabic speakers use it to describe the barren nature of such a region. Sahara desert occupies 9.1 million square kilometres, which is almost equal to the area of the United States, which is 9.5 M Km2. The desert stretches all the way from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red sea and it is not only the hottest in the world but also the driest. It covers many countries in Africa especially the northern area. The Atlantic Ocean binds the Sahara desert from the west whereas; the Atlas Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea bind it from the North. In the East, the Red sea binds the desert, finally in the south, the Niger River partly binds the desert, and eventually the desert is exposed to semiarid lands known as the Sahel. Part of Sahara is plateau, which is elevated approximately 395-490 m above sea level. Mount Topside, which is as extinct volcano and the tallest mountain among the mountains of the Sahara, rises up to 3,265 m above sea level. The present deserts lay beneath what were seas in the ancient times. Because of this, ancient sands and calcareous deposits now foam sandstone and limestone found in these deserts. Sahara is a hot desert and the temperatures during summer daytimes exceed 90F for 8 months of the year, and often exceeding 100F (Osborne 27). The world record high temperature of 1370 F was evident in El Azizia, Libya; in North Africa’s Sahara Desert on September 13, 1922. The French colonial meteorologists measured this temperature 5 feet above the ground. The temperatures at night however drop by up to 50F. The nights are cold and in winter, they can fall below freezing (Osborne 27). There are three types of land surfaces in Sahara and they include Erg, Rag and Hamada (Keenan 43). Erg composes of dunes that have formed basins

Child observation paper Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Child observation paper - Case Study Example The room has a big glass window wherein, children can easily view the farm. That Laboratory School has a small farm behind for children to roam around and exploration of nature. During the day, there are enhancement activities and training given to children to facilitate their learning and help them grow smart and healthy. Children use to play with each other, solve physical problems using interactive games and materials, and do creative works and taking appropriate responsibilities to develop personal discipline and responsible behavior. Here, children learn to mingle with one another; and "my child" is one of them. My child is a 4 year-old boy. He attends day in a day care at our community college. He seems to be healthy physically and emotionally and is quite well adjusted showing no sign of any developmental concerns. He is pretty doing well in a day care; he interacts normally with other children and seems rather smart as he knows his way around a computer screen already. He is curious on anything new to him and is always willing to try or investigate objects that catch his attention. He always finds things very interesting although the toys he plays on are already old. He is active, likes to play and look tireless all day. As I observe, my child seems to manifest both the physical and emotional healthy condition as he has no problem in interacting with others and is showing quite remarkable positive attitudes towards everything which a normal healthy kid would likely to have. Over-all Impression of His Development My child is quite following a normal developmental stage. He seems to be excited on new things and his mind full of wonderful imaginations of things that are not there. This manifests in his works of arts like drawing, painting, and building blocks. He is a bit intelligent, he likes doing things on his own with out asking the help of the teacher. He is excited to find out what will happen after trying to fix one object to another, he is very independent. While other kids are roaming around their teachers to explain to them what to do, my child easily get the instruction from the teacher and start doing it all by himself with no fear of mistakes. His positive interaction with others as I observed him, show no sign of developmental concerns or problems. He interacts casually and participates well in the group. He is confident in himself and is rather smart in doing the right thing. He even suggests something to his playmates what to do to make the game really much interesting. This positive social attitude of my child may not simply part of the developmental process but I guess, a manifestation of advance intelligence for a four year old kid, maybe a normal reaction of a growing child being curious about many things. Socialization Inside the room, the children have all the opportunity to interact with other children and adults. In this case, I saw my child intermingle with other kids of his age and with his teachers. My child seems to have developed a good self-esteem; he did not have difficulty adjusting with the new environment as well as with his interpersonal relationship. He is well-adjusted despite new faces and authority. My child, in my observation, feels a sense of belongingness and quite confident about his accomplishments for the day. Other kids would show

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Housewife to Career Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Housewife to Career - Term Paper Example Whatever a woman did, fell in the category of non remunerative work. Howsoever hard a woman worked and contributed towards the smooth running of the house, the society at large, did not appreciate that. And at the end of the day, the woman was still dependent on the man for any monetary support. Any misdemeanour by the man was pardoned because he is doing the most important thing; earning money. The woman was destined to live her life as a ‘dependent’ and at the whims and fancies of her spouse and family. Things had to change and they did. More and more women began to join the workforce. For some, it bolstered the family income, for others getting employment was breaking free from the humdrum of the daily life. Getting employed was kind of breaking the shackles and living a life of dignity. This transition from a housewife to a career woman has not been easy for various reasons. This paper details the problems women face, at home as well as in office, when they opt to work. It also puts forth data which establishes the presence of a glass ceiling in organizations that thwarts the progress of women. An attempt has been made to gauge the reality when it comes to the number of women actually making to the top of the corporate ladder. The first stumbling block on the road to progress is the mindset; the opinion that the other members of the family, especially the elders, have about the housewife no longer remaining a housewife and going out of the house to work. This orthodox mindset is an added mental pressure on the woman whose original responsibilities of managing the household remain with her, irrespective of the fact that she has now started working and started contributing towards the finances of the household. There is no denying the fact that women also have more personal and social pressures than men. If in a family where

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Employee Relations System in Singapore and Eire Essay - 1

Employee Relations System in Singapore and Eire - Essay Example In fact, both are facing similar issues associated with employment relations such as heavily dependent on foreign workers, have a chronic ageing work force, the country is outsourcing its labor intensive industries to another country, and privatization of public companies. The influx of low wage and low skilled workers causes a differentiation between high and low wages, and skilled and non-skilled labors. As both countries are heavily depending on foreign workers, the government has to decide to impose levy and quota to constraint the growth of the foreign workers and hence to improve the chance of local citizens to obtain employment, and to extend the retirement age decision. Some people may consider older workers are less productive and cost more to keep them but at the same time, companies are hiring less educated and less skilled workers then send them for retraining and upgrading the non-skillable workers and hence, the notion of cost effectiveness becomes more expensive. Employee relations have an impact on the employees' health. ... This may be the result of poor hygiene or personal uncleanliness, as Cabill & Co. report that "where there is toleration, and complacency, instead of disgust for appalling hygienic shortcomings, then in any campaign - such as that which is so urgently necessary to create presentable disease" (p. 326). Both Eire and Singapore's strategic employment relations is based on the industrial model were modernized or transformed to those of the American's in the early 1980s. however, its strategic choice model that represents a paradigm shift is a strategic quality choice and a choice that is built on system theory of Parson (in Legett) and Dunlop (ibid). They go through different employment strategic methods, which are transformed from colonial administration to regulated pluralism that is started from 1959 to 1967, from regulated pluralism to corporation that last from 1968 to 1978, "economic success had brought Singapore a tight labor market and anxiety about being caught in the low wage trap" (Legett, 2005, p. 380). From corporation to corporate paternalism between 1979 and 1986, and from corporate paternalism to manpower planning - which is currently being applied to the employment system. Under the colonial regime, trade unions that were actively involved in employee and industrial relations were regulated by the unions. Under regulated pluralism, both industrial and employee relations and their conditions were regulated and bonded by the laws. This change is an effort to cultivate trade unions loyalty toward political parties and at the same time, it reduces the growth of trade unions. Under corporatism, government places legal constraints on collective bargaining and trade unions become partners to political parties in terms of labor negotiation between the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Different ways to compete in the soft drink business Case Study

Different ways to compete in the soft drink business - Case Study Example Through the sales of internet routers, the company managed to raise high revenue of approximately ten billion dollars. However, this was brought to an end in the year 2008 when the demand of products from the company such as internet hardware dropped. At this point, the best action to be taken by any manager who wants to save the company from collapsing is to make adjustment on the business plan and strategies so as to fix the problem. John Chambers was very wise and keen on the issue; after realizing that the market of internet router could not raise the great profits that were required to match the standards of the company, he embarked on another business plan. The plan was to shift in to very new markets and industries. One of the strategies was to expand in a rapid way from the software business and the core internet hardware to the consumer electronic industry. His first step to implement the plan was to associate with companies that were already producing products related to th e internet. The CEO sought to get hold of the companies that dealt with internet bandwidth products so as to increase the consumer demand since this would result in to a high demand for the Cisco`s products. Through John Chambers, Cisco made an announcement in the year 2009 that it would make a payment of $590 for purchasing pure digital for making video camcorders that are more colorful and are pocket sized. This further increased the financial status of Cisco due to the fact that over two million people could access and share the video through the web (Jones & George, 263-264). If I were the manager of Cisco system, I could have done the same things he did or come up with a plan with strategy for implementation that would end up in high performance. It is always believed that better plans always reflects on a bright future for the business and that lack of a business plan results in to hesitations , mistaken business decisions and false steps. Having this in mind, I would make a p lan for a good number of reasons. It`s importance is to give the company proper direction for the right purpose since the plan contains the objectives that the organization has to achieve and the strategies to be used. I believe this would have a great impact on the company so that as soon as the demand of the Internet s products provided by the Cisco Company goes down, then the strategies of the plan would help save the company from collapsing. This could be done by linking the company to other industries that produce items that are the same as the ones produced by Cisco to come up with a better opinion to help increase the consumer demand (Covey, 162). The challenge of proper planning and formulating a proper strategy to implement it was well overcomed by the CEO of Samsung electronics, Lee Kun. In the year 2000, the company which was mainly based in Korea emerged to be in the second position in terms of profit among the companies in global technology coming just after the Microso ft. There were strategies and steps that were followed by the organization which enabled them to attain their targeted goal. Under the guidance of Lee Kun, Samsung electronics developed and built competencies as the first step in the manufacturing of low-priced products. The second step was to put all the efforts in the manufacture of R&D. At the end, the organization used those

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Psychology Research Essay Example for Free

Psychology Research Essay What are the main points of both articles? Anxiety Disorder: Panic Attacks. It can happen anytime, anywhere. Unexpectedly, out of the blue, your heart starts to speed up, your face goes red and you go through shortness of breath. One feels dizzy, nauseated and out of control. A number of people even think like theyre dying. Such may be a person experiencing a panic attack — a sudden occurrence of powerful fear that induces grave physical reactions in the body (Campbell, 2002). Several people, believing theyre having a heart attack, go to the emergency room. Others try to disregard the signs and symptoms, not comprehending that theyre experiencing a panic attack. A lot of women than men are disturbed by panic attacks. One-month prevalence estimates for women are 0.7% versus 0.3% for men (i.e., women are more likely to be affected than men by a 2- to 3-fold factor) (Daniels et al, 2006). And some people are experiencing frequent panic attacks, a condition known as panic disorder. Panic Anxiety Disorder starts most often when people are 20-30 years old. It activates less often in teenagers or persons in their forties. It is unusual for the disorder to emerge in the elderly for the initial time. Though panic attacks were once set aside as nerves or stress, theyre now documented as a potentially immobilizing, but treatable health condition. An assortment of approaches, together with medications, therapy and relaxation methods, can help one manage or prevent panic attacks (Wilson, 2005). Article #2: Children with Anxiety Disorder. Life is not easy for children these days. The fact that many adults suffer from mental illness of different kinds is enough to make people realize that children are even more susceptible to the same disease. It’s only good that a lot of breakthroughs are made especially in the area and study of mental illness. This study is even more significant in the light of the film Ordinary People, which has captured audiences worldwide decades ago. Precisely because the characters depict the â€Å"ordinariness† of each person and how representative they are to the masses, made this film a hit during its time. Ordinary People presents how malfunctioning individuals are as they go through each of their lives with the burden of mental illness. The role of the mother in the film shows someone who has personality disorder, specifically dissociative disorder, while the spouse and father as having generalized anxiety disorder; and their son Conrad, as suffering with PTSD or Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Mental health experts describe the illness through its signs and symptoms. It is typified by children experiencing severe fear – a powerful worry or the uneasiness that run or last for periods of time (( When children sufferers are not treated, symptoms like these will present themselves through poor performance in academics, inability to relate with other children, low self-esteem, the use and abuse of illegal drugs including alcohol, and even anxiety disorder in adulthood (   Mental health experts describe the illness through its signs and symptoms. It is typified by children experiencing severe fear – a powerful worry or the uneasiness that run or last for periods of time (( When children sufferers are not treated, symptoms like these will present themselves through poor performance in academics, inability to relate with other children, low self-esteem, the use and abuse of illegal drugs including alcohol, and even anxiety disorder in adulthood ( This mental health problem usually runs in families. Oftentimes, the disorder appears alongside other physical and mental health problems; substance abuse, like alcohol, usually comes along ( with it. Anxiety disorder manifests in different forms: 1.) Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD, 2.) Phobias, 3.) Separation Anxiety Disorder, 4.) Panic Disorder, 5.)OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and 6.) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Source: US Dept of Health, 1999 in 2. What are the similarities and/or differences? Similarities come in the form of the disorders’ signs and symptoms which include physical distress with Rapid heart rate , sweating, trembling , shortness of breath and hyperventilation, chills, hot flashes, nausea, abdominal cramping, chest pain, headache, dizziness, faintness, tightness in your throat, trouble swallowing, a sense of impending death . Other health problems — such as an impending heart attack, an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) or drug withdrawal — can cause similar signs and symptoms. Individuals who experience panic attacks often are affected by other mental health conditions, including depression, fear of public places (agoraphobia) and social phobia ( What experiences have you had that relate to the topic or what have you learned in prior courses? Researchers are not certain what bring about panic attacks. Heredity, stress and certain biochemical factors may play a part. A person’s chance of having panic attacks increases if she/he has a close family member who has had them. Numerous researchers think the bodys natural fight-or-flight reaction to danger is involved. For instance, if a snarling dog came after a child, his/her body would react automatically. The heart rate and breathing would race as the body readies itself for a life-threatening situation. A lot of the same responses take place in a panic attack. No noticeable stressor is nearby, but something trips the bodys alarm system. Persons having Panic attacks are no more likely than the average American to have suffered from emotional problems at the time the disorder begins (Wilson, 2005). How does your view point relate to the topics?) Definitely, I agree from personal observation that these panic attacks and /or anxiety disorder though present only in the mind, â€Å"effectively’ renders a person â€Å"paralyzed† no matter his intelligence, status and persuasion in life. Imagine this picture: after months or years of incessant panic attacks and the constrained lifestyle produced by the distinctive avoidance behavior, the sufferer may develop into a demoralized and psychologically or physically depressed person. In addition, some sufferers resort to alcohol in an effort to self medicate or to reduce the sign and symptoms of the disorder. This significantly causes difficulties to the individuals life and ability to seek suitable treatment. Unfortunately, one out of every five untreated sufferers attempts to end his or her life, not at all comprehending that there was chance for changes and treatment (Wilson, 2005). As in the film as mentioned, it is interesting to note that despite such a troubled family, Conrad emerged to be someone who has conquered the odds in his life. The loss of a brother and its effects on him, being around with parents who exhibit a variety of symptoms that they themselves are also suffering, these things could have been too much for him or for anybody for that matter. PTSD and other anxiety disorder sub-categories are very interesting types of mental health problems because of their prevalence – and in spite of that, still, many people most of the times, ignore the fact that they might be sufferers. Just as in the case of Conrad, ordinary people – the most common among the populace – are actually beset with extremely upsetting events and are left to themselves to cope as each day comes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To end, this study from researchers Craske et al shows the hope for sufferers: â€Å"With practice and encouragement or persuasion from the therapist the patient learns to reinterpret internal sensations from signals of loss of control and panic to cues that are intrinsically harmless and can be controlled with certain skills. The intentional creation of these signs by the client, coupled with success in coping with them, reduces their unpredictability and changes their meaning for the client† (Craske, Maidenbberg, Bystritsky, 1995). Reference: For Children with Anxiety Disorder: Campbell, Nancy M. Panic disorder. Mankato, MN: LifeMatters, [2002].  616.85 DYI VT Craske, MG; MAidenberg, E Bystritsky A (1995). Brief Cogntive-behavioral versus nondirective therapy for panic disorder. Journal of Behavior Therapy Experimental Psychiatry ; 26, 113-120. Giacobello, John. Everything you need to know about anxiety and panic attacks. New York: Rosen, [2000]. Daniels C., Yerkes S., Bureau of Naval Personnel emedicine.2006. Wilson, Reid D., Don’t Panic: Taking Control of Anxiety Attacks The Revised Edition Of: Harper Perennial ISBN# 0-06-095160-5. For panic Attacks Article: Davison, Gerald C., Neale, John 2001, Abnormal Psychology, Eighth Ed., John Wiley Sons, Inc. New York. National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) accessed in the Internet February 20, 2007 Surgeon general accessed in the internet February 20, 2007

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Torture Of Suspected Terrorists Criminology Essay

The Torture Of Suspected Terrorists Criminology Essay Torture inflicts severe pain to force someone to do or say something, and has been used against prisoners-of-war, suspected insurgents and political prisoners for hundreds of years. In the 1970s and 1980s, governments began to identify a specific form of violence called terrorism and to identify prisoners as terrorists (1). This is when the history of torture and terrorism begins. While many countries practice torture against political prisoners, only some name their dissidents terrorists or face potential threats from terrorism. Governments have used systematic torture in conflicts with rebel, insurgent or resistance groups in long running conflicts since the 1980s (2). It is questionable whether these should always be called terrorism conflicts. Governments are likely to call their non-state violent opponents terrorists, but only sometimes are they clearly engaged in terrorist activity. Torture has always played some role in federal, state, or local policy. Prior to the innovation of the penitentiary system in the early 19th century, forms of physical punishment that we now consider torture were extremely common (1). Torture by United States forces in wartime is not unheard of. And the persistent use of torture against low-income communities of color has also been well-documented. The issue of torture in relation to terrorism was raised publicly in the United States in 2004, when news of a 2002 Memorandum issued by the Justice Department for the CIA suggested that torturing Al Qaeda and Taliban detainees captured in Afghanistan might be justified to prevent further attacks on the United States, where in reality it does not prevent anything (2). If we all took a closer look to what the terrorist torture does to humans we would see that it doesnt justify any means to be able to gather information. At times the United States goes too far when it comes to the techniques they use to gather information from a suspected terrorist. When it comes to the 9/11 attack, there is still no means for the harsh ways of torture for the prisoners held liable. After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the Bush administration began using torture-lite techniques against suspected terrorist detainees (3). These techniques have included water boarding, sleep deprivation, long-term use of loud noises, forced nudity, and forced standing. If any civilized person stood a day on these torture tactics, it would be I insane. Its like basically saying that you have no respect for human life, which basically means nothing to anyone, and that shouldnt be the case. Torture is by far the worst thing that any state or nation should do. There are obviously different ways to gather and receive information from the suspected terrorist groups, torture is never the answer and it shouldnt justify anything. The Al Qaeda attacks of September 11, the ensuing declaration of a global war on terror, and the rapid development of more stringent counter-t errorism efforts have pitched the issue of human rights and terrorism into high relief (2). This is true not only in the United States, but in a number of countries who have signed on as partners in a global coalition to crack down on terrorist activity. Indeed, following 9/11 a number of countries that routinely violate the human rights of political prisoners or dissidents found tacit American sanction to expand their repressive practices (3). At Abu Ghraib, U.S. military personnel and CIA interrogators were revealed to have gone several steps further, implementing forms of torture that involved lasting physical damage, sexual humiliation, and sometimes death (2). In the years immediately preceding the 9/11 attacks, there was no question that torture as an interrogation practice is out-of-bounds for American military personnel. In 1994, the United States passed a law prohibiting the use of torture by American military under any circumstances (2). Furthermore, the United States was bound, as a signatory, to comply with the 1949 Geneva Convention, which prohibits torturing prisoners-of-war (3). The Abu Ghraib province west of Baghdad in Iraq became a household name globally when news of American troops torturing prisoners at the Abu Ghraib (3). Scandal erupted when photographs taken by American military police, depicting their abuse and torture of Iraqi detainees, became public in April, 2004 (3). The photographs revealed to rture based largely on the sexual humiliation of the detainees. Seven soldiers engaged in the prisoner abuse were subsequently convicted in court martials on dereliction of duty and assault and battery charges. The Abu Ghraib prison scandal caused lasting harm to the American reputation and increased skepticism about American motives in its declared war on terror. What the people fail to see is that the United States government thinks that its okay to beat and torture these people until their last breath to say what they want to say. I remember we watched a movie in one of my classes where it dealt with the torture of the American Government to receive information regarding any more of terrorist attacks. This poor man said lies because of the way the government was torturing, so basically he just told them what they wanted to here. That just comes to show people that what the United States government is doing is beyond wrong and cruel. At times these issues come with looking at the fact that obviously these people are treated differently because of their race. At times the United States feels as if they have so much control over the people that they fail to see that there always are some kind of consequences when it comes to torturing people and at times torturing the wrong people. Human rights are relevant to terrorism as concerns both its victims and its perpetrators. The concept of human rights was first expressed in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which established recognition of the inherent dignity and inalienable rights of all members of the human family (2). The innocent victims of terrorism suffer an attack on their most basic right to live in peace and security. Torturing another human being is inexcusable, no matter the circumstance. Some may justify that the knowledge a terrorist might have could save millions of lives, and that in this case, the ends justify the means. To an extent I agree that the loss of an individuals well-being to save so many others can sometimes be justified. However, torture cannot be justified in this way because it is incapable of achieving its end; torture is not only inhumane, it is also very ineffective. When an individual is tortured for information, that person will say anything you want them to. While being tortured, an individuals number one priority is to make the pain stop by doing whatever the torturer asks. However, if you are torturing someone, they probably dont have much respect for you, and will have no qualms about lying their ass off. If a torturer is trying to get information about a certain subject, he obviously lacks the information he needs, and has no way of being able to tell whether or not the person being tortured is being truthful. Therefore any information from a person being tortured is unreliable and unusable. Torture also promotes terrorism. Terrorist actions against Americans stem from hatred for and a lack of respect towards our country. Whenever we torture a terrorist, members of his organization can use him as a poster child: Look at what the Americans are doing to our people. Look how inhumane they are. Look at how badly they treat us. Though we may hate terrorists for what they have done to our soldiers, torturing them is not a solution. It only continues the cycle. The best thing to do to captured terrorists is to treat them humanely, and give them, and other like-minded individuals, less reason to hate our country.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Round-trip time (rtt)

Round-trip time (rtt) RTT: Round-Trip Time (RTT) can also be called as round-trip delay. It is to calculate how much time required for sending a packet or signal pulse from one source to a specific destination and comes back to the same specific source. RTT is one of the several factors that affecting latency and the time between the request for data and also the complete return or display of that data. RTT can range between a few milliseconds under some ideal conditions to several seconds between points under adverse conditions. Estimated RTT plus can be defined as safety margin. It is the estimated value of RTT that is based on the combination of current RTT and the past RTT. EstimatedRTT = (1- a)*EstimatedRTTlast + a*SampleRTT Large variation in Estimated RTT means larger safety margin. To calculate the DevRTT we need to estimate how much Sample RTT deviates from Estimated RTT i.e., DevRTT = (1-b)*DevRTTlast +b*|SampleRTT-EstimatedRTT| (typically, b = 0.25) Segment Sample RTT Estimated RTT DevRTT Time Out Interval 1 130 130.00 130.00 650.00 2 138 131.00 99.25 528.00 3 122 129.88 76.41 435.50 4 124 129.14 58.59 363.50 5 131 129.37 44.35 306.77 6 139 130.58 35.37 272.05 7 139 131.63 28.37 245.10 8 121 130.30 23.60 224.71 9 134 130.76 18.51 204.80 10 127 130.29 14.71 189.12 11 267 147.38 40.93 311.12 12 139 146.33 32.53 276.47 13 126 143.79 28.85 259.19 14 134 142.57 23.78 237.68 15 141 142.37 18.18 215.08 16 137 141.70 14.81 200.93 17 291 160.36 43.76 335.42 18 123 155.69 41.00 319.68 19 134 152.98 35.49 294.95 20 139 151.23 29.68 269.95 21 141 149.95 24.50 247.94 22 142 148.96 20.11 229.41 23 139 147.71 17.26 216.77 24 122 144.50 18.57 218.79 25 123 141.81 18.63 216.34 26 143 141.96 14.23 198.90 27 215 151.09 26.65 257.70 28 134 148.95 23.73 243.87 29 122 145.59 23.69 240.36 30 134 144.14 20.30 225.35 Table 1 A premature retransmission timeout occurs if there is no packet or signal loss or if the lost packet or signal can be captured by fast retransmission mechanism. With contrast, over estimation of RTT will lead to late retransmission timeout, in that case, if there is a loss and which cannot be captured by the fast retransmission mechanism. Therefore, it is crucial to have a Retransmission Timeout (RTO) value for TCP performance which is an equilibrium point in balancing between both the above cases. Note: RTO must be smaller than RTT. Following are the few algorithms which help in setting the retransmission timeout Ludwig and Katz propose the Eifel algorithm to eliminate the unnecessary retransmissions that can result from a spurious retransmission timeout. Gurtov and Ludwig present an enhanced version of the Eifel algorithm and show its performance benefits on paths with a high bandwidth-delay product. Ekstrand Ludwig proposes a new algorithm for calculating the RTO, named the Peak-Hopper-RTO (PH-RTO), which improves upon the performance of TCP in high loss environments. RFC 3649 proposes modification of TCP congestion control that adapts the increase strategy and makes it more aggressive for high bandwidth links (i.e. for large window sizes) Even if there is no packet loss in the network, windowing can limit throughput. Because TCP transmits data up to the window size before waiting for the packets, the full bandwidth of the network may not always get used. The limitation caused by window size can be calculated as follows: where RWIN is the maximum receive windows size and RTT is the round-trip time for the path. At any given time, the window advertised by the receive side of TCP corresponds to the amount of free receive memory it has allocated for this connection. Otherwise it would take the risk to have to drop received packets by lack of space. Unrelated to the TCP receive window, the sending side should also allocate the same amount of memory as the receive side for good performance. That is because, even after data has been sent on the network, the sending side must hold it in memory until its has been acknowledged as successfully received, just in case it would have to be retransmitted. If the receiver is far away, acknowledgments will take a long time to arrive. If the send memory is small, it can saturate and block emission. A simple computation gives the same optimal send memory size as for the receive memory size given above. Packet loss When packet loss occurs in the network, an additional limit is imposed on the connection. The limit can be calculated according to the formula (Mathis et al.): where MSS is the maximum segment size and Ploss is the probability of packet loss Below table shows the theoretical maximum sustained TCP throughput 135 kbits/sec at 1 second RTT 225 kbits/sec at 600 millisec RTT (typical satellite RTT) 449 kbits/sec at 300 millisec RTT 1200 kbits/sec at 100 millisec RTT (typical domestic Internet RTT) 1780 kbits/sec at 60 millisec RTT 2800 kbits/sec at 30 millisec RTT 4510 kbits/sec at 10 millisec RTT (typical within a city) In order to set the ACK timer we need to know how large the ACK timeout value should be. It can be too short or too long. Too short > premature timeout > extra retransmission Too long > slow reaction to loos > poor performance For this we need to have the timer longer than RTT, for this we need to estimate RTT by measuring the time from a segment transmission until the receipt of ACK which is nothing but Sample RTT. For this we need to ignore retransmissions and measure only one segments RTT at a time. By doing so, the sample RTT will vary and we can compute an average RTT based on the several recent RTT samples. Timeout = Estimated RTT + 4*DevRTT The probability of premature retransmission timeout is P1 = P[RTO < RTT] ((1-p) W + (1-(1-p) W) (1-3/W) ) ≈ P[RTO < RTT] (1-3/W 2) ≈ P[RTO < RTT] The throughput degradation due to this event is: L1 = WlogW. During the slow start ph.ase we can observe, TCP sends at most W packets. We obtain that the expected output degradation result to premature retransmission timeout is: P1.L1 = P[RTO

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Dominican Republic :: essays research papers

The Dominican Republic The Dominican Republic is located on the island of Hispanola located in the Caribbean Sea. It takes up about 2/3 of the island which it shares with Haiti. Dominican Republic's total area is 48,734 square kilometers. The Dominican Republic Jas a tropical maritime climate. The temperatures are moderated though by the ocean currents and year-round trade winds. The average temperature is around 720F and 800F, it hardly ever drops below 600F and it also hardly ever riser above 900F. It isn't uncommon though to get frost in the higher elevations. Dominican Republic's rainy season is between May and November rainfall is the heaviest in the north and east of the country. Although agriculture is the most important resource in the Dominican Republic it has many mineral resources. Some of these resources are nickel being the leading export as well as bauxite, gold, and rock salt. The population of the Dominican Republic is around 7.8 million. Close to 40% of that population is under the age of 16. More and more Dominicans are migrating to the cities for a better chance at life. This has greatly effected the rural population by shrinking it steadily. About half of the total population is located between Santiago de los Caballeros and San Pedro de Macoris. Another 1/3 of the population is located in the capitol city of Santo Domingo and between the cities of La Romana and San Cristobal. The annual growth rate is estimated to be at 1.71% for the next couple of years until the year 2000. Mulattos form the largest ethnic group in the Dominican Republic being roughly 73% of the population. The next largest group is 16% Caucasian and 11% Black. The life expectancy from birth is for males 65 years and for females 69 years. Out of 100,000 live births 61.4% of the babies die. The start religion for the Dominican Republic is Roman Catholicism. Over 90% of the population is Catholic. Free public education is offered through the high school level and attendance is mandatory through the 6th grade. A lot of the Dominicans don't finish school for various reasons. Although 3/4 of the residents start school only about 1/3 finish. Some of the urban families send their children to private schools called colegios. As for after high school there is universities and trade schools. The Dominican Republic currently has about 1 telephone per every 24 people in the country. There are roughly 16 million long distance calls and 5 million international calls made in the country every year. There is 11,400 Km of roads in the Dominican Republic and 49% of that amount of roads are paved.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Olivia Shaw Essay -- English Literature

Plot and Sub-Plot A Streetcar Named Desire ======================== The main plot in A Streetcar Named Desire is all based around the character Blanche DuBois and the never-ending downfall of her life. The play opens with Blanche arriving in New Orleans where she has come to find and stay with her sister Stella. Stella lives in an apartment with her controlling husband Stanley, when Blanche sees the apartment which she stays she cannot believe her sister lives in such a place. Blanche and Stella greet each with passion but before long Blanche becomes irritable. Blanche has bad news and tells Stella she has lost they’re old home ‘Belle Reve’ Blanche says to Stella it’s her fault and her leaving was the reason they lost their home. This gets Stella upset so she goes to the bathroom. While she is there Stanley comes home, he gives Blanche a frank stare and they have an awkward conversation, we find out Blanche had a husband who died when they were both very young. Stanley is common and rough compared to Blanche who is delicate. Stanley is a very sexual man and sex is part of what makes him tick. His appraisal of women is frank and straightforward. It becomes obvious that the sexual bond between Stanley and Stella is intense, and that this is what keeps their relationship going. Stella tells Stanley about the loss of ‘Belle Reve’ and Stanley thinks Blanche has profited from this and goes through her things. When Stanley routes through the letters her husband had written this makes Blanche angry and also brings back memories of her past. That night Stanley has his friends round for a poker game and this is where Blanche first meets Mitch they talk about things they have in common and she tells him she is ... ...l ingredients to a play. ‘A play should be about one character’, in A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee used Blanche, the tragic heroin the protagonist he based his play around Blanches character. ‘A play should be set in one place’ Tennessee used New Orleans, with the play begin set in one place this increased the tension, be more intense so more confrontations would occur if there was no where else to escape to. For Blanche’s character New Orleans becomes a trap. Aristotle also said ‘A play should be set over a 24hr period’ Tennessee didn’t use this ingredient in his play because we needed time for Stella’s pregnancy to develop and cause more conflict. We needed to see Blanche and Mitch’s relationship develop and unfold. Also Blanches mental state needed time to deteriorate so we wouldn’t feel so shocked when she was taken away by the nurse and doctor.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Google Search Essay

What are the company’s key resources and competitive capabilities? What competitive liabilities and resource weaknesses does it have? What opportunities exist? What threats to its continued success are present? The key resources and competitive capabilities of the search industry are due to the huge company’s success. For instance, Google gains the trust of users through reliable, accurate searches and a clear distinction of upfront advertisements in searches. Therefore, the online business user’s can do their work in minimum physical locations and lower fixed cost. These locations is fully utilized as they maximize the creativity and being in high-spirit for their working environment. The employees are hired selectively amongst some of the greatest minds in technology and related fields, and are given the tools, freedom, and encouragement to be innovative and fulfilled by their job. Several iconic features of Google remain unparalleled, including their extensive Google Earth and Google Maps capabilities, archetypal YouTube video streaming, and Google Search Appliances that allow other companies to feature Google search bars within their own sites. Being a leader in the search industries, Google is also has a few number of weaknesses. These could have serious implications on the future of their business as such the low revenue that is acquired from YouTube represents a lost opportunity for such a large online presence. Their grasp on the comprehensive social networking market is far behind those of their competitors. And while they remain an industry leader, their international reach in emerging markets such as China leave much to be desired and acquired. The rapid growth in search industries which revolving around technology and the Internet turns out of giving many opportunities to Google currently and in the near future. For example, the Internet and mobile advertising growth lead the way for increasing importance of Search Engine Optimization for marketers. More data on users becomes more readily available using data collected from searches and Chrome. Possibly the most important up-and-coming necessity for innovative companies such as Google is the  availability for users to have all of their information in one account through cloud computing. Being in such a competitive and fast moving environment will comes together with the threats to the firms. Companies who are leaders in their industry in avenues Google has attempted to take, such as Facebook for social networking, Microsoft Office for word processing, and for detailed weather reports, make finding a stronghold in such ventures very difficult. Users who are already fully integrated are unlikely to switch, and may be hesitate to have their personal information in multiple locations. Cloud computing poses a serious threat to possible hacking and identity theft, since a single set of login information could allow access to a multitude of facets of personal information. The ethical concern in the minds of many consumers regarding the ability of companies to track user viewing habits hurts users’ trust in Google, and is characterized in the blocking habits of Explorer and Firefox. Without access to this information however, the full potential of selective online advertising cannot be reached. Google must also confront substitute services as they arise, so that their main competitive advantage in search specialization is not replicated. In addition, they must be aware of any intellectual property rights laws that may be passed in the near future so as not to impede onto the service they provide.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Poetry Appreciation Essay

In this essay I am going to compare and contrast ‘When we two parted’ a poem of George Gordon, Lord Byron’s written in 1815 and Letitia Elizabeth Landon’s ‘Love’s last lesson’ written in c1838, both poets are British and of the romantic period. ‘When we two parted’ is an elegy of the loss of love, Byron is reflecting and analyzing a relationship that has already ended. His grief, anger and despair, intensifies his use of first person, which maintains a strong impact on the audience throughout. The poem is powerful, personal and unreserved, the emotion and passion is definitely felt through his writing. Byron’s message is ambiguous; so the reader is able to make their own assumption this is the beauty of the poem, it is subject to individual interpretation, making it inclusive and relatable to many different situations. The structure of the poem is separated into four stanzas each one being an octet. Punctuation suggests that every two lines can be read as one, the metre of the poem is iambic pentameter, each line having 5 iambs and 10 syllables when two lines are read as one. The rhyming pattern in stanza one, two and four is ababcdcd but stanza three is ababacac. The poem mainly has a regular rhyming scheme but the ‘flow’ is disrupted in stanzas one and four lines five and six, I am not sure if this was intentional. I believe the poem can be interpreted in many different ways; the overall impression is the separation of two lovers, throughout the poem there are numerous references suggesting bereavement, loss and infidelity. In the first Stanza the metaphor ‘Pale grew thy cheek and cold, colder thy kiss;’ uses pale and cold in contrast with the rosy warm imagery of life, this could very well be an indication of death but could simply be an exaggeration of how he felt after the break up. On Line four the statement ‘To sever for years’ is ambiguous as it suggests a lengthy separation but can also mean cut in two therefore could be related to line three ‘Half broken- hearted’, another interesting point is that the Byron used the word years rather than eternity or forever, maybe there was a hope of being reunited again in the future. ‘Sorrow’ symbolizes the grief and mourning he feels, not necessarily for somebody who has passed away simply just a loss. In stanza two ‘The dew of the morning, Sunk chill on my brow’ the dew is the cold wet, the image of rain could be an allegory of tears and signifying his misery. ‘Thy vows are all broken,’ implies his ‘lover’ was or is married or the promises she made to him were shattered, subsequently Byron speaks of feeling ashamed when he hears his/her name, possibly because their relationship was illicit . The following stanza uses a powerful expression ‘They name thee before me, A knell to mine ear; A shudder comes o’er me’ a knell is the sound of a depressing bell rung slowly at a funeral, his lover may have died or Byron could again be exaggerating his emotions, speaking as though his lover or ex lover has passed away. On line twenty Lord Byron asks ‘Why wert thou so dear?’ why were you so special? Or why did I love you so much?, he is questioning and resenting these feelings, the poem then goes on to assert that nobody was aware of the relationship not even those that knew them both well, ‘Long, long shall I rue thee, too deeply to tell,’ Byron is clearly saying that he bitterly regrets the situation, wishing it had never occurred maybe even feeling guilty if his lover was married. Finally the fourth stanza confirms an affair of some sort ‘In secret we met- In silence I grieve, That thy heart could forget, Thy spirit deceive’, if his lover had died or merely returned to his/her partner, then he would still grieve in silence as the relationship was private, Byron feels betrayed and bitter about the relationship, the use of the word ‘spirit’ again gives the impression of death. ‘If I should meet thee, after long years, how should I greet thee! With silence and tears’, the last line of the poem is a reverberation of the second line; giving an impression of irresolution, whilst the exclamation mark puts the echoed line in a different context, when they meet again it will be with silence and tears however the silence will have a different meaning and the tears will not be ones of sorrow. It is almost like each stanza represents the cycle of Byron’s emotions, stanza one is the initial breakup and the start of his grieving process, in stanza two Byron is still distressed and goes on to express his disappointment and embarrassment, by stanza three he is ashamed of himself, questioning the love and deeply regretting the situation finally in stanza four he is bitter and fantasising of how he would disregard her/him if they were to ever meet again. Love’s last lesson’ is a soliloquy representing Landon’s frustration. My impression is that the character has fallen for somebody who hasn’t returned her love or wasn’t taking the ‘relationship’ as seriously as she was. The structure of the poem is free verse; it has neither regular metre nor rhyme In lines one to eight Landon expresses her anger and frustration towards her ex love, who has obviously moved on and forgotten their relationship with ease, she cannot comprehend how it is her that’s been dismissed as she feels she was the perfect companion. Landon uses words from a semantic field of religion ‘I who have worshipp’d thee, my god on earth’ is a strong statement but the metaphor emphasizes her absolute adoration for him. ‘Your last command, forget me, ‘she speaks about him as though he has control over her and she must obey him. ‘Will it not sink deeply down within my inmost soul?’ questioning herself for comfort the poet doesn’t think it’s possible to move on, ‘Forget thee! – ay, forgetfulness will be a mercy to me’ she genuinely wishes she could evade her emotions, it would cease her heartache. The hurt has taken control of her life to the extent of avoiding sleep in fear; she relives the agony in her nightmares ‘a dream had made me live my woes again’. The dreams she has are in fact worse than reality, ‘Acting my wretchedness, without the hope my foolish heart still clings to,’ the only thing Landon can do now is ‘hope’ that there will be some progression even though she herself thinks it’s highly unlikely, her hope is the only positive thing she has left other than the heartache and sorrow, she uses the simile of hope being like a drug that calms her pain slightly until the realisation hits which makes it unbearable ‘double torture’. Landon is isolated and spending her days alone feelings nervous and uneasy, ‘when a breath sent the crimson to my cheek, like the red gushing of a sudden wound; by all the careless looks and the careless words which have to me been like the scorpions stinging’ crimson and red flushing to the cheek gives an imagery of shame, this gave me the impression of defamation, Landon may have a history that she isn’t proud of and that is what she actually wants to forget, the way she is being disregarded is what is hurting more than anything as she said it was like a ‘scorpion stinging’ which is a simile for unspeakable pain. In this stanza Landon makes some powerful statements; her happiness has been destroyed forever, she’s deemed with perpetual misery, her feelings have been wasted, her health destroyed, her hopes have been crushed and her heart stole,